ASNT NDT Level III Examinations

Basic and Method Exams

ASNT NDT Level III certification candidates are required to pass both the NDT Basic and a Method examination in order to receive the ASNT NDT Level III certificate.

A maximum of three examinations in any Method or the Basic examination is permitted within a two-year period.

  • A candidate that fails the initial Basic or Method examination shall not be permitted to retake the examination for 30 days from the date of failure.
  • A candidate that fails the Basic or Method examination for a second time shall not be permitted to retake the examination for 90 days from the date of failure.
  • A candidate that fails the Basic or Method examination for a third time shall not be permitted to retake the examination for one year from the date of failure and must reapply as a new candidate. In no case, shall an individual be permitted to sit for an examination more than three times in a two-year period.

Exam Specifications

The table below lists the number of questions and time allowed for each exam. Clicking on an exam will take you to an abbreviated topical outline and reference page for that exam. For the full topical outlines and complete list of references, see the topical outlines listed in the American National Standard ANSI/ASNT CP-105, Standard Topical Outlines for Qualification of Nondestructive Testing Personnel.

Level III Reference Materials for Exam Preparation

To see the topical outline for each method, click on the link on each method that you are interested in. The below exams are all administered through computer-based testing.

Exam No. of Items* Time Certification


135 4 hrs Required for ASNT NDT Level III & ACCP Level III Certification

Acoustic Emission Testing (AE)

135 4 hrs NDT Only

Electromagnetic Testing (ET)

135 4 hrs NDT Only

Thermal/Infrared Testing (IR)

90 2 hrs NDT Only

Leak Testing (LT)

135 4 hrs NDT Only

Magnetic Flux Leakage (MFL)

90 2 hrs NDT Only

Magnetic Particle Testing (MT)

90 2 hrs NDT and ACCP

Liquid Penetrant Testing (PT)

90 2 hrs NDT and ACCP

Radiographic Testing (RT)

135 4 hrs NDT and ACCP

Ultrasonic Testing (UT)

135 4 hrs NDT and ACCP

Visual Testing (VT)

90 2 hrs NDT and ACCP