Code of Ethics Violations

Formal and Informal Complaints

These are defined as:

  • formal charges made upon oath by any person submitted in writing to the chair of the CMC.

  • informal charges based on personal knowledge of any person, which, if true, would indicate a possible violation by an individual certified by ASNT, submitted in writing to the chair of the CMC.

Data Required

The written information required for submission by a complainant is as follows:

  • name, place of residence (address), and telephone number or email address of the person submitting the charges

  • name, place of residence (address), and ASNT Certification Services certificate number of the person or persons being charged with the alleged violations, if available

  • a clear and concise description of the issues of facts involved and allegation(s) raised

  • the relief being sought by the complainant within the authority of the Ethics Subcommittee.

Processing a Submission

Documentation of a complaint can be sent by mail or email to the following addresses.

Mailing Address

ASNT CMC Ethics Subcommittee Chair
c/o Director of Certification
1201 Dublin Road
Suite #G04
Columbus, OH 43215

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