Renewal Point Categories

The following NDT-related activities may used to accumulate points to be used for renewal of ASNT NDT certifications. All points must be earned within the last five-year certification period.


Point Value

Maximum points allowed per certification period

A1 Teaching NDT courses for which academic credit or IACET accredited CEUs ARE given 1 point per 2 contact hours 16
A2 Teaching NDT courses for which academic credit or IACET accredited CEUs are NOT given 1 point per 2 contact hours 10

A maximum of 16 points may be claimed in Category A

B Additional classroom or computer-based NDT training.
(Documentation must include number of contact hours and verification of successful completion.)
1 point per 4 contact hours 10
C Authoring or coauthoring technical NDT presentations at local technical society or national meetings.
(To receive credit, the individual must have contributed at least 50% of the content.)
2 points per initial presentation 8
D Attending technical sessions, seminars, or panels at local ASNT Section or at NDT-related national meetings
1 point per 3 contact hours 10
E Preparing and publishing an original NDT-related peer-reviewed paper or full article in a technical society publication.
(To receive credit, the individual must have contributed at least 20% of the content.)
3 points per paper or full article 12
F Authoring short technical tips in the ASNT NDT Technician Newsletter or other NDT-related technical publication.
1 point per published Tip 6
G Development and technical review of ASNT publications See definitions 15
H Documented NDT contributions to NDT-related technical society committee projects.
2 points per completed project 12
I Other non-ASNT third-party technical certifications such as CWI, API, NACE, ASQ, etc. 1 point per certification 5
J Membership in the American Society for Nondestructive Testing 1 point per year 5
K Serving as ASNT trained Monitor or Assistant Monitor at ASNT examinations 1 point per half-day session 6
L Performance of external NDT audits
2 points per audit 8
M Receiving a patent for an NDT related product 4 points per patent 12