Man focused on a laptop, sitting at a desk.

ASNT NDT Level II Examinations

Get ready for Level II certification with detailed exam topics, resources for study, and guidance for scheduling your exams.

How to Plan for Your ASNT NDT Level II Exams

Comprehensive, standards-based examinations are a cornerstone of ASNT certifications.

Before you schedule your exams, review the information on this page to ensure you know what topics and skills your exams will cover, how to study, and what to expect when test day comes.


Review NDT Level II Exam Topics

To receive NDT Level II certification, you must pass one or more general examinations and a specific examination -- either general industry or pressure equipment sectors.

These computer-based exams are designed to provide a comprehensive evaluation of your knowledge and your ability to apply that knowledge in a foundational nondestructive testing role.

Employers are responsible for carrying out visual acuity, practical, and any job-specific exams as needed by their written practice to finish the certification process.

Start by getting familiar with the topics and depth of knowledge you’ll need for each of your exams.

General Examination

Number of Items: 50
Time for Completion: 2 hours

  1. Principles

  2. Flux Fields

  3. Effects of Discontinuities on Materials

  4. Magnetization by Means of Electric Current

  5. Selecting the Proper Method of Magnetization

  6. Demagnetization Procedures

  7. Equipment

  8. Types of Discontinuities

  9. Evaluation Techniques

  10. Quality Control of Equipment Processes

Number of Items: 50
Time for Completion: 2 hours

  1. Review PT Principles

  2. Selection of the Appropriate PT Method

  3. Inspection and Evaluation of Indications

  4. Inspection Procedures and Standards

Number of Items: 50
Time for Completion: 2 hours

  1. Review of Basic Radiographic Principles

  2. Darkroom Facilities, Techniques and Processing

  3. Indication, Discontinuities and Defects

  4. Manufacturing Processes and Associated Discontinuities

  5. Radiological Safety Principles Review

Number of Items: 50
Time for Completion: 2 hours

  1. Review of Ultrasonic Techniques

  2. Evaluation of Base Material Product Forms

  3. Evaluation of Weldments

  4. Evaluation of Bonded Structures

  5. Discontinuity Detection

  6. General Evaluation

Number of Items: 50
Time for Completion: 2 hours

  1. Purpose and Scope of VT

  2. Elements of Vision

  3. Elements of Lighting

  4. Contrast and Resolution

  5. Optics

  6. VT Equipment

  7. Visual Appearance of Discontinuities

  8. Evaluation and Reporting

  9. Codes, Standards, and Specifications

  10. Employer-specific Topics

Specific Examination

Number of Items: 40
Time for Completion: 2 hours

  1. Codes

  2. Applications

  3. Techniques

Number of Items: 40
Time for Completion: 2 hours

  1. Codes

  2. Applications

  3. Techniques


Study Recommended NDT Level II Exam Resources

Self-Study Collections

Created in alignment with the body of knowledge for each exam, ASNT study materials collections are designed to empower you in your NDT Level II certification.

Support for Exams and Beyond: ASNT Membership

Working on your initial Level II certification? Certifying in multiple methods?

ASNT members get reduced pricing on courses and save 25% on study guides, handbooks, and more.

Explore the benefits and become a member today

Join or Renew


When You’re Ready, Schedule Your NDT Level II Certification Exams

For NDT Level II certification, ASNT offers in-person computer-based testing provided by our partner Pearson VUE or at any of our authorized exam centers (AECs).

Employers are responsible for carrying out visual acuity, practical, and any job-specific exams as needed by their written practice to finish the certification process.

Before you schedule your exams, be sure you have:

Then, schedule your exams through your MyCert account.

Log In and Schedule Exams 

Who Is Pearson VUE?

Pearson VUE provides computer-based testing through the world's most comprehensive and secure network of test centers, with locations in over 175 countries.

Authorized Exam Centers

AECs are approved partners that provide computer-based testing (CBT) for ASNT certifications. No walk-in tests are provided.

Address: 912 Gemini St., Houston, Texas 77058
Phone: 1-800-222-2768 or 1-614-274-6003

Address: 1049 Triad Court, Marietta, Georgia 30062
Phone: 1-888-287-5227 or 678-444-2897

Need to make a change?

You must schedule and complete all the examinations you’ve applied for within one year of our Letter of Approval. If you need to change or cancel your appointment, do so at least 48 hours in advance. Failing to give enough notice will result in losing your exam fees.

Be sure you understand the rules for rescheduling or canceling your certification examinations.

Read ASNT Cancellation/Refund Policy


Collect Your Identification

When it’s time to take your ASNT NDT Level II exams, you must bring two original, valid forms of identification to the exam center:

  1. A primary government-issued ID with name and signature.

  2. A secondary ID with a name and signature/photo.

Both identifications must be current and original, and the name on your identification must match the name on your certification application and in your MyASNT record.

A valid photo identification can be your current:

  • passport

  • driver’s license

  • state or government-issued identification card

Other acceptable identification forms are:

  • work ID with your name and signature that matches primary ID

Tips: Before You Arrive at the Exam

  • Review the computer-based testing (CBT) and calculator demo.

  • Arrive at least 30 minutes before your scheduled exam time.

  • Plan at least half a day for the test.

  • Bring your two forms of ID.

  • Be ready to have a photo taken at the testing center.

  • Be aware that all examinations are in English. An online translation dictionary is available to help with NDT terminology in Korean, Mandarin, Spanish, UK English, and Arabic.

Curious About Exam Development and Scoring?

Learn about the rigorous auditing and scientific design processes we use to ensure our ANAB-accredited Level III exams are fair, reliable, and valid.

Learn More

What’s Next?

After you pass the exams and all requirements are met, your results will be processed and your MyASNT record will be updated to show that you are certified.

You or your employer can verify your certification by searching the certificate holder directory in MyCert.

You can expect to receive a digital badge via email in one to two weeks.

Learn More and Claim Your Digital Badge

What Happens If I Don’t Pass?

If you don’t pass an exam, you can choose to reapply and retest following the 30-day retake waiting period.

You must apply and pay for your retake through MyCert and receive a new approval letter before you can schedule and retake your exam after the waiting period.

Submit a Retake Application in MyCert 
View Retake Pricing

When Do I Need to Renew?

ASNT NDT Level II certifications must be renewed every five years, and you must submit your renewal application and payment before the expiration date on your certificate.

Learn About Renewing NDT Level II Certification

Have Additional Questions? Need Help?

Reach out to ASNT Certification Services for answers about eligibility, the certification renewal process, or planning for and taking exams.

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