ASNT NDT Level III Renewal Requirements

ASNT members receive discounted prices on their certification application. To receive this discount, you must join/renew prior to beginning the application.

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ASNT NDT certificate holders are permitted to renew by points at five-year intervals unless recertification by examination is required by another third party or if you cannot document the required 25 points.

ASNT certificates expire on the last day of the month listed on the certificate.  Applications must be submitted with payment before the expiration date to be considered.

Renewal by Point Application

Requirement 1

Submission of 25 points. The points systems documents the candidates effort to keep up to date, contribute to knowledge, or maintain continued growth in the method(s) for which the individual is certified, or to expand knowledge in related technologies must be shown by obtaining a minimum of 25 points during the five-year period of certification through engaging in NDT-related activities.

Requirement 2

Continued active employment in Level III, performing functions as related to the method(s) for which renewal is sought. Such employment must have covered at least 36 months during the valid certification period, but not necessarily 36 consecutive months.

Your renewal by point application will not be reviewed if you have not logged at least 25 points, provided the required active employment, and submitted payment in the MyCert portal

Other Important Information

Equalizing your certifications – This permits you to renew any ASNT NDT Level III certificates when your earliest certificate expires. You pay one application fee and one method fee per method. All equalized certificates will then have the same expiration date.

Application Due Date – ASNT certificates expire on the last day of the month listed on the certificate. You can submit your renewal application up to six months ahead of time. If you wish to renew by application, we recommend that you submit your application at least 60 days prior to expiration. The renewal by application and payment needs to be received by ASNT prior to your certification expiration date.

***If the application review determines that additional documentation is required, it must be received prior to the candidate's expiration date or the certification will expire.***

Renew by Points


Renewal by Examination

Personnel that cannot document 25 points during their current certification period may renew by retaking the initial method examination for each method in which certified but must do so before their current certificates expire.

Personnel recertifying by examination need not retake the Basic examination as long as the applicant holds one currently valid ASNT NDT Level III certificate at the time of examination and passes that examination.

If you renew by examination, you must complete all requirements and pass all examinations by your certification expiration date.

Renew by Examination